Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Discussion1_Week 8

Discussion1_Week 8

Q Discuss the concept of cultural competence and describe a time when you were not culturally competent and what you did or could have done to improve your cultural competence or describe a time in which you applied a culturally competent treatment

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Basically to be very honest the cultural competence is all about the different types of the set of behaviours and also other types of the policies and the attitudes which help in the shaping of the different types of the worldview and also there are different other types of the aspects as well. The cultural competence also seeks to explain how the cultural competence has been helpful in understanding the behaviour of the different types of the health related issues. There are different types of the issues in the different cases and also there is a large amount of the issues in these areas where the cultural competencies are involved.